OREM, UTAH — Advanced meshing toolkit Coreform Cubit supports its users and potential users during the free trial period.

Coreform Cubit is a world-class meshing toolkit with a powerful Python API that can handle the toughest meshing problems. Coreform offers a free 30-day trial to anyone who is interested in discovering what Coreform Cubit can do for them. As part of that trial, our team of meshing experts is available to help with any questions or issues that may arise.
The fastest way to get help is to post your question on our forum.
THE TEAM: Dr. Karl Merkley has decades of experience developing Coreform Cubit. Dr. Andrew Slaughter is an expert Coreform Cubit user who worked previously at a national laboratory. Greg Vernon is a Coreform Cubit master who also leads many of our tutorial webinars [add link]. Mark Richardson has been developing Cubit for more than ten years.
The Coreform forum is the place for users to get help and advice from one another and from our unparalleled team of support providers.
Try Coreform Cubit
he pre-processor of choice of engineers worldwide. Try Coreform Cubit free for 30 days.