OREM, UTAH — Grad student Nicholas Glover uses Coreform Cubit Learn to model a kidney

Chemical and biological engineering graduate student Nicholas Glover from SUNY Buffalo used Coreform Cubit Learn to model the glomerular capillary wall of a kidney. Glomeruli dysfunction is the cause of chronic kidney disease.
After watching this webinar on automatic hex meshing for biological and material sciences, and following a recommended Sculpt tool workflow from our forum, Nicholas was able to create a high quality mesh and get good results in FEBio, an open-source FEA package. Well done Nicholas, and thanks for sharing your work! Coreform Cubit’s powerful hex meshing tools and seamless integration with a variety of solvers make it a great option for students and academics. Watch Coreform.com for a formal case study later this year.
About Coreform LLC
Coreform develops next-generation computer-aided engineering software. Among Coreform’s founders are authorities in isogeometric analysis and widely cited researchers in the computer science field. The Coreform IGA solver is based on smooth CAD spline geometry, offering greater accuracy than the faceted meshes used in legacy CAE software. Coreform is also the exclusive commercial distributor of the Cubit meshing software. Coreform was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Utah, USA.
Try Coreform Cubit
he pre-processor of choice of engineers worldwide. Try Coreform Cubit free for 30 days.