Corvid Technologies LLC announces a new partnership with Coreform. Coreform Cubit will be the preferred preprocessor for Velodyne.

Corvid Technologies LLC, the provider of Velodyne, a high-fidelity, multi-physics, multi-numerics, hydro-structural solver, announces a new partnership with Coreform, the developer of Coreform Cubit preprocessor. Coreform Cubit will be the preferred preprocessor for Velodyne.
“We have been using Cubit for finite element mesh generation for over a decade, and it has always worked extremely well within our Velodyne analysis workflow,” said Dr. David Robinson, Corvid’s CEO. “In the last couple of years, Coreform has proven their commitment to continuing to improve Cubit, which is very valuable to us as we improve our own product. Now we are excited to offer the combination of Velodyne and Coreform Cubit to our customers.”
Velodyne was developed to accurately predict high strain rate, large deformation material response in such scenarios as high explosive detonation, multiple object collisions, target damage and demise, debris formation, and a variety of other complex physical phenomena. Corvid has used Velodyne to deliver thousands of highly detailed simulation results to customers annually in a variety of defense-related disciplines.
“We are convinced that the combination of Velodyne and Coreform Cubit will improve our users’ experience, expedite their workflow, and allow them to take advantage of Velodyne’s powerful features, mirroring Corvid’s own proven internal workflow,” said Cameron Bell, the Velodyne Development Lead Engineer of Corvid.
Velodyne offers a comprehensive (and unique) suite of features for solving complex, high-rate dynamic problems, including Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Element-to-Particle Conversion, Robust Higher-Order Auto-Contact, Multi-phase Equations of State (EOS), Thermal/Structural Coupled Solvers, Coupled Lagrangian/Eulerian (CLE) Solvers, and Reaction Kinetics of Energetic Materials. Corvid has used Cubit internally as their preferred preprocessor for Velodyne for over ten years.
“We are impressed with the work Corvid has done with Coreform Cubit and Velodyne and think the combination will be a powerful benefit for ballistics users,” notes Matthew Sederberg, CEO of Coreform. “We are excited to work with Corvid as we continue pushing the boundaries of simulation technology.”
Coreform Cubit is a preprocessor designed to handle complex simulation problems. Coreform Cubit is frequently used as a preprocessor for third-party solvers in industries ranging from automotive to electronics to manufacturing. In 2021, Coreform Cubit was enhanced with isogeometric analysis (IGA) capabilities to expand its preprocessing to function with IGA solvers.
About Corvid
Corvid provides technology-based solutions to a diverse customer base ranging from the Missile Defense Agency to high performance motorsports. Corvid boasts optimal design- and cost-efficiency due to the predictive capability of their tools and their unique in-house, end-to-end integrated approach. Corvid is the recipient of the prestigious James S. Cogswell Outstanding Industrial Security Achievement Award and multiple Tibbetts Awards for Small Business Innovation Research achievement. Learn more at
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