Sign up for our free Coreform Cubit tutorial webinar series

by | Nov 23, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Our new webinar series will cover meshing basics, tips and tricks, insights from experts, and more.

Announcing our new webinar series, designed to guide you through everything you need to know to get the most out of Coreform Cubit.

Tutorial webinar series info

The first session will be held December 10th 2020, and you can sign up here. This webinar will cover Coreform Cubit basics – using tools, preparing a hex mesh, and common problems to avoid. It will run about an hour and will cover everything you need to know to get started with Coreform Cubit. The full outline is listed below.

This webinar will be conducted by our own Randy Morris, part of the csimsoft team that developed Cubit in partnership with Sandia National Laboratories. He’s not only a Coreform Cubit expert, but also a delightful instructor. You won’t want to miss seeing him in action.

The live webinar will be the perfect place to ask questions and get insights directly from Mr. Morris. But if you can’t make it at 10am for the live webinar, rest assured it will be available for viewing later. Make sure to sign up for the link.

We are proud of Coreform Cubit’s ability to handle the toughest meshing problems, and we want to make sure our users know how to access its most powerful capabilities to solve their toughest problems. If there’s anything you want to see covered in this tutorial webinar series, let us know.

The Coreform Cubit webinar series will run the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month (except the fourth Tuesday of December). Upcoming topics will include tet meshing, power tools, CFD, special topics for advanced users, and more.

We’re assembling a lineup of top Cubit experts to help you get the most out of your meshing. Upcoming instructors and topics are listed here.

Need a free trial to follow along?

A full 30-day free trial is available on our website. If you are a student or other non-commercial user, you can get a Coreform Cubit Learn license with export limits. Sign up here

Webinar Outline (tentative)

We are going to solve a single problem, 2 different ways

1. From the command-line, command panels, power tools
2. By using the ITEM Wizard
  • Introduction to the Cubit meshing method
    1. Overall workflow.
    2. Pave and sweep. (This is our main meshing methodology for hex meshing)
    3. Linking surfaces a. Examples
    4. Meshing assemblies. a. Using Power Tools
  • Example: Method 1
    1. Import the model
    2. Will it mesh? a. Meshing power tool b. Mesh vol all c. Problems: what can cause them? d. Geometry Repair Power Tool e. Now will it mesh?
    3. Decompose the volume into sweepable volumes a. Webcut Command Panel b. Imprint/merge the volumes c. Set mesh size d. Choose auto scheme
    4. Mesh a. Look at the Quality command panel b. Set up Material block c. Set up boundary conditions?
    5. Export the mesh to Exodus or Abaqus or Nastran
  • Example: Method 2 – ITEM Wizard
    1. Reset and reimport example
    2. Open up ITEM a. Setup – set an element budget or a preferred size i. Tet or hex meshing b. Geometry Prep i. Analyze ii. Decompose iii. Run all the way to the end
  • Common mistakes:

    1. Forget to imprint and merge
    2. Dirty geometry
    3. Other common mistakes

Try Coreform Cubit for yourself

See for yourself why Coreform Cubit is the pre-processor of choice of engineers worldwide. Try Coreform Cubit on your own models free for 30 days.


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