Isogeometrx is now Coreform

by | Mar 22, 2017 | News | 0 comments

When we founded Isogeometrx in 2014, it was in response to growing industry demand for commercial isogeomteric analysis tools. IGA had been invented back in 2005, and yet no commercial companies had emerged to champion its adoption within industry.

The past three years has seen our company evolve from an extension of a research group to a growing product company. We picked the new name Coreform in part because we were tired of explaining how to spell �Isogeometrx.� But also, after debating over 200 names between us, Coreform stood apart with both the strength of the name and the connotations it provided: truly, our mission is to enable better simulation through better geometry, and this is only possible by enhancing the core basis of the forms being simulated.

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