OREM, UTAH — Jerawan Armstrong has written a helpful guide to exporting files from Coreform Cubit to MCNP.

The Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) code developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory is widely used for simulation of particles, including neutrons, photons, electrons, ions, and many other elementary particles. Coreform Cubit is a powerful meshing toolkit that is frequently used to created unstructured meshes for particle simulation. Although the Coreform Cubit file can be formatted appropriately for use in MCNP, its files cannot be processed without conversion. A Python script has been developed to convert a UM file created by Cubit to a UM file that the MCNP code can process. This script is available to all Coreform Cubit users on our forum.
Coreform sincerely thanks Jerawan Armstrong for the contribution. Other users are encouraged to develop and share Cubit or Python scripts to improve workflows for everyone. Anyone interested in sharing a script can post it on our forum or contact help@coreform.com.
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