coreform Cubit

Advanced meshing solution

Coreform Cubit’s pre-processing and hex-dominant meshing tools minimize the time spent on model preparation for FEA and CFD while maximizing control over mesh quality.

Courtesy Sandia National Laboratories

Mesh any CAD geometry with hex, hex-dominant, and tet meshing algorithms

Coreform Cubit supplies a comprehensive meshing feature set for surface and solid meshing, with a wide variety of element types and methods for automating and streamlining mesh creation.

Battle-tested algorithms

Industry-leading hex, hex-dominant, and tet meshing algorithms, including paving, mapping, sub-mapping, sweeping and multi-sweeping.

Smart controls

User-guided adaptive or fully automatic interval sizing and scheme selection.

Hex meshing

State-of-the-art structured and unstructured quad meshing, hex meshing, and hex-dominant meshing with powerful, smart automation options.

Multi-scheme tet meshing

Multi-scheme automatic tri/tet meshing schemes leveraging several industry-standard and proprietary algorithms.

Break the geometry bottleneck to reduce modeling time

Preparing CAD geometry for meshing consumes more time and resources than any other stage of the simulation process. Coreform Cubit provides powerful, user-guided automated tools to make geometry cleanup and simplification fast and satisfying.

Courtesy Sandia National Laboratories

Create & modify geometry

Solid geometry creation, CAD import, and modification tools, including Boolean operations.

 Auto-heal dirty CAD

Geometry analysis and repair tools to fix geometric and topological errors from imported CAD by trimming, stitching, and rebuilding.

 Imprint & merge

Unique interactive tools to enable efficient and robust conformal meshing of multi-volume assemblies.

Smart defeaturing

User-guided, automated routines for detecting and simplifying errant CAD such as sliver curves and surfaces.

Coreform Cubit Learn  coreform Cubit Learn

An easy-to-learn interface and powerful, comprehensive feature-set make the free Coreform Cubit Learn license a great fit for students and hobbyists.

See why Coreform Cubit is trusted by government and industry leaders around the world

From nuclear energy to automotive, Coreform Cubit’s performance and capabilities consistently deliver.

Courtesy Sandia National Labs

CUBIT® is a registered trademark of National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC.