Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Power Tools GUI Tutorial Step 7

Step 7: Removing Small Surfaces

Some surfaces are too small for analysis and should be removed from the model. In this example, Surface 15 and Surface 17 may fall into that category, assuming that the distance between curves on these surfaces is smaller than the desired final mesh size. You can remove these surfaces by extending adjacent surfaces until they intersect.


You will notice that a new category has appeared labeled Overlapping Surfaces. This is because there are two new surfaces created for each of the webcuts that overlap a surface on the original body. This can be removed using the Imprint/Merge function which will be explained in Step 9.


The Control Panel will appear under the Geometry-Surface-Modify- Remove heading. The Surface id should appear in the input window.

The small surface no longer appears.


Surface 15 is shown highlighted in the following image.


Reset the Zoom to show the entire model.
