Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Power Tools GUI Tutorial Step 6

Step 6: Web Cutting

Since the model has several through holes, sweeping is not possible from a single source and target. However, it is possible to divide the model into three sweepable regions. The figure below shows where to divide the model to get it into sweepable regions. These regions coincide with the holes in the model.

Web cutting is this process of dividing volumes into sweepable regions by cutting with a plane. For this exercise, you will use the curves that were just created with the split surface command to cut the volume.


In order to visualize the process more clearly, switch to the isometric view.

The web cutting menu is located under Geometry-Webcut-Volume on the Control Panel.

The following image shows the entity ids that will be used to webcut the volume. Select entities with the mouse by clicking on them.


A blue preview plane should appear in the following position. Check to make sure that your model looks the same.


The volume has now been split into two volumes. Volume 2 is shown in yellow.

Repeat these steps with the other side of the part. The Volume and Curve ids will remain the same.

The final webcut volume should look like this:
