Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
The power tools contain useful tools to help users through the mesh generation process. The Immersive Topology Environment for Meshing, also known as ITEM. This panel contains a wizard-like environment which guides the user through the mesh generation process through a series of panels and diagnostics. The geometry repair and analysis tools contains diagnostics and tools for analyzing and repairing geometry, although many of these can now be found in the ITEM environment as well. The mesh quality and meshing power tools aid in mesh generation and verification. The geometry and mesh comparison tool identifies correlation between existing geometry and mesh. The defeaturing tool assists users with defeaturing geometry in a more automated fashion. The assemblies tool help users manage assemblies, parts and related metadata.
Figure 1. Power Tools Window
To familiarize yourself with the power tools environment (excluding ITEM), we recommend that you try the power tools tutorial.
To familiarize yourself with ITEM wizard, we recommend that you try the ITEM tutorial.