Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
Type "Coreform Cubit" from a UNIX prompt or select Coreform Cubit from the start menu if you are running on a PC with Windows. The Coreform Cubit Application Window will appear as illustrated below:
Coreform Cubit Application Window
The use of each window in the Coreform Cubit program is described briefly below
Graphics Window | The current model will be displayed here. Zooming, panning, and rotating are also performed in this window. |
Drop Down Menus | Functions such as file management, edit controls, display options, user preferences, journal file management, window manipulation, and help are available in the pull-down menus. |
Toolbars | This is a large selection of selectable icons that duplicate the functions found in the pull-down menus. Additionally, picking types, and mouse selection controls are found here. |
Power Tools | The Power Tools contains the ITEM workflow, geometry repair power tools, meshing power tools, mesh/geometry comparison tool, defeaturing tool, assembly tool, and mesh quality power tools. |
Command Line Workspace | The command line workspace contains both the Coreform Cubit command, error, history, and script windows. The command window is used to enter Coreform Cubit commands and view the output. The error window is used to view Coreform Cubit errors. The history window is used to view recent commands. The optional script window is used for Python programming.
Command Panels | Most Coreform Cubit commands are available in the command panels. The panel is organized topologically, by mode. |
Properties Page | This is a list of properties of the selected geometry, mesh, boundary condition, or assembly. Some of the properties can also be edited from this window. |
Model Tree | The model tree shows all geometric entities and their relationships, boundary conditions, boundary layers, and groups. |