Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Web Cutting with a Planar or Cylindrical Surface

The commands used to web cut with a planar or cylindrical surface in Coreform Cubit are:

Coordinate Plane

In the command's simplest form, a coordinate plane can be used to cut the model, and can optionally be offset a positive or negative distance from its position at the origin.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [With] Plane {xplane|yplane|zplane} [Offset <val>] [rotate <theta> about x|y|z <xval> <yval> <zval> [center <xval> <yval> <zval>]] webcut_options

The cutting plane can be rotated about a user-specified axis using the rotate option. The center of rotation can be moved by using the center option.

Planar Surface

An existing planar surface can also be used to cut the model; in this case, the surface is identified by its ID as the cutting tool.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [With] Plane Surface <surface_id> webcut_options

Plane from 3 Points

Any arbitrary planar surface can be used by specifying three vertices that define the plane, and can optionally be offset a positive or negative distance from this plane.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [With] Plane Vertex <vertex_1> [Vertex] <vertex_2> [Vertex] <vertex_3> [Offset <value>] webcut_options

The plane to be used for the web cut can be previewed with the preview option in the general webcut options.

Plane Normal to Curve

The next command allows a user to specify an infinite cutting plane by specifying a location on a curve. The cutting plane is created such that it is normal to the curve tangent at the specified location.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [With] Plane Normal To Curve <curve_id>
{Position <xval><yval><zval> | Close_To Vertex <vertex_id>} webcut_options

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [With] Plane Normal To Curve <curve_id>
{Fraction <f> | Distance <d>} [[From] Vertex <vertex_id>] webcut_options

The position on the curve can be specified as:

  1. A fraction along the curve from the start of the curve, or optionally, from a specified vertex on the curve.
  2. A distance along the curve from the start of the curve, or optionally, from a specified vertex on the curve.
  3. An xyz position that is moved to the closest point on the given curve.
  4. The position of a vertex that is moved to the closest point on the given curve.

The point on the curve can be previewed with the Draw Location On Curve command and the plane to be used for the web cut can be previewed with the preview option in the general webcut options.

General Plane Specification

A webcut plane can be defined using the general plane specification options in the Specifying a Plane section of the documentation.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <id_range> [With] General Plane {options} webcut_options

Cylindrical Surface

Finally, a semi-infinite cylindrical surface can be used by specifying the cylinder radius, and the cylinder axis. The axis is specified as a line corresponding to a coordinate axis, the normal to a specified surface, two arbitrary points, or an arbitrary point and the origin. The "center" point through which the cylinder axis passes can also be specified.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <range> [With] Cylinder Radius <val> Axis {x|y|z|normal of surface <id>| vertex <id_1> vertex <id_2>| <x_val> <y_val> <z_val>>} [center <x_val> <y_val> <z_val>] webcut_options

Cone Surface

A semi-infinite cone surface can be used by specifying the cone outer radius, and the cone inner radius. The axis is specified as a location first of where the outer radius is applied and the second location of where the inner radius is applied.

Webcut {Volume|Body|Group} <ids> [With] cone radius <val> <val> location {options} location {options} [Imprint] [Merge] [group_results] [preview]