Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
For information on exporting an Exodus File, see Exporting Exodus II Files. Custom translators are available to translate between the Exodus II format and a limited number of other analysis code formats. Contact the Coreform Cubit development team for a current list of supported translator formats. For information on the GDF format, see Exporting GDF Files. The general syntax for the various exporters is as follows. The specific exporter commands are listed below.
Export {Abaqus [Explicit]* [Partial]* | CGNS | Nastran | Ideas | Patran | LSDyna | Fluent} <’filename’> [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [dimension {2|3}***] [Overwrite] [Everything] [NX]**
Export {Sierra | VRML} <'filename'> [Overwrite]
* Explicit and Partial keywords only available with Abaqus Exporter
** NX keyword only available with I-DEAS Exporter
***The dimension argument is also optional. Most element types have an inherent dimensionality associated with them. For example, a truss or beam element is inherently 2D while a hex or tetra element is 3D. Without this argument, only the x-y location of the nodal coordinates of 2D elements are written to the Exodus II file. Using the argument dimension 3, in this example, permits the full 3D coordinates to be written.
The Abaqus Exporter has a few additional keywords available. See the last paragraph below for an explanation of those keywords:
Export Abaqus <'filename'> [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [dimension {2|3}] [nodefile <'filename'>] [elementfile <'filename'>] [flat] [overwrite] [everything]
If no blocks are exported, Coreform Cubit will export all nodes and elements in the model. If one or more blocks are entered in the command, only those blocks will be exported. Similarly, if no BCSets are entered in the command, Coreform Cubit will export all boundary conditions as a single BCSet. If one or more BCSets are entered into the command, only those BCSets will be exported. Use the overwrite flag to overwrite an existing file.
By default, Coreform Cubit will reassign node and element IDs based on which block they are in. If the everything keyword is present, Coreform Cubit will export all nodes and elements in the model, whether they are in a block or not.
The I-DEAS Universal file can be read into Siemen’s NX application if the file is generated using the NX keyword. This is because extra information must be written to an I-DEAS Universal file in order for NX to be able to read it.
There are a few keywords specifically for the Abaqus exporter. Flat can be used if the user desires Coreform Cubit to write out the model as a "flat file." Abaqus refers to files a "flat files" when they do not use the *PART/*INSTANCE structure. All nodes and elements will be defined at the global level. The keywords elementfile and nodefile can be used to instruct Coreform Cubit to export the nodes and/or elements to a separate file.
If the Explicit keyword is used with Abaqus, Coreform Cubit will write an Abaqus Explicit deck. The one Explicit-only feature that Coreform Cubit supports is Fixed Mass Scaling.
If the Partial keyword is used with Abaqus, Coreform Cubit will write a partial Abaqus deck. Coreform Cubit will output the mesh as defined by the Abaqus keywords PART, NODE, ELEMENT, NSET, ELSET, and SURFACE. Everything else is ignored. Use the Abaqus keyword INCLUDE to include this file in a master Abaqus deck for analysis.
Specific Exporter Commands:
Export Abaqus [explicit] '<filename>' [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [group <id_list>] [instance block <id_list> [source_csys <id_list>] target_csys <id_list> [preview]] [dimension {2|3}] [overwrite] [everything] [partial]
Set Abaqus Precision <n=6>
Note: This command can be used to control the number of decimal places written to the Abaqus file.
The solver_element command can be used to globally set the Abaqus-specific element type corresponding to an Exodus type. The Abaqus translator will replace the default element with the user-specified value.
[create] solver_element <solver string> <new element string> from <exodus element string>
Export CGNS '<filename>' [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [dimension {2|3}] [overwrite] [everything]
Export Nastran '<filename>' [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [dimension {2|3}] [overwrite] [everything]
Export Ideas '<filename>' [NX] [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [dimension {2|3}] [overwrite] [everything]
Export Patran '<filename>' [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [overwrite] [everything][dimension {2|3}]
Export Lsdyna '<filename>' [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [overwrite]
Export Fluent '<filename>' [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [dimension {2|3}] [overwrite] [everything]
Note: The following command is for exporting mesh geometry, (.msh format.)
Export Fluent '<filename>' [Surface <id_list>|Volume <id_list>] [Overwrite]
Export Sierra <'filename'> [Overwrite]
Export VRML <'filename'> [Overwrite]
Additional Information on building Coreform Cubit models for CFD
Coreform Cubit Element Type | ExodusII | CGNS | Abaqus | Nastran | I-DEAS UNV | Patran | LS-DYNA | Fluent |
Sphere | SPHERE | ELEMENT_SPH | ||||||
Bar | BAR | B21** | CROD** | 121** | Bar2 | |||
Bar2 | BAR2 | B21** | CROD** | 121** | Bar2 | |||
Bar3 | BAR3 | B22** | CROD** | 121** | ||||
Beam | BEAM | B31 | CROD** | 21** | Bar2 | ELEMENT_BEAM | ||
Beam2 | BEAM2 | B31 | CROD** | 21** | Bar2 | ELEMENT_BEAM | ||
Beam3 | BEAM3 | B32 | CROD** | 24** | ||||
Truss | TRUSS | T3D2/T3D2T*,** | CROD** | 121** | Bar2 | ELEMENT_BEAM | ||
Truss2 | TRUSS2 | T3D2/T3D2T*,** | CROD** | 121** | Bar2 | ELEMENT_BEAM | ||
Truss3 | TRUSS3 | T3D2/T3D2T*,** | CROD** | 121** | ||||
Quad | QUAD | QUAD_4 | CPE4R/CPE4RT* | CQUAD4 | 54 | Quad4 | ELEMENT_SHELL | 3 |
Quad4 | QUAD4 | QUAD_4 | CPE4R/CPE4RT* | CQUAD4 | 54 | Quad4 | ELEMENT_SHELL | 3 |
Quad5 | QUAD5 | Quad5 | ||||||
Quad8 | QUAD8 | CPE8R/CPE8RT* | CQUAD8 | 55 | Quad8 | |||
Quad9 | QUAD9 | S9R5 | CQUAD | 55 | Quad9 | |||
Shell | SHELL | S4R/S4RT* | CQUAD4 | 94*** | Quad4 | ELEMENT_SHELL | ||
Shell4 | SHELL4 | S4R/S4RT* | CQUAD4 | 94*** | Quad4 | ELEMENT_SHELL | ||
Shell8 | SHELL8 | S8R/S8RT* | CQUAD8 | 95*** | Quad8 | |||
Shell9 | SHELL9 | S9R5 | 95*** | Quad9 | ||||
Tri | TRI | TRI_3 | CPS3/CPS3T* | CTRIA3 | 51 | Tri3 | ELEMENT_SHELL | 1 |
Tri3 | TRI3 | TRI_3 | CPS3/CPS3T* | CTRIA3 | 51 | Tri3 | ELEMENT_SHELL | 1 |
Tri6 | TRI6 | CPS6/CPS6T* | CTRIA6 | 52 | Tri6 | |||
Tri7 | TRI7 | 52 | Tri7 | |||||
Trishell | TRISHELL | STRI3 | CTRIA3 | 91 | Tri3 | ELEMENT_SHELL | ||
Trishell3 | TRISHELL3 | STRI3 | CTRIA3 | 91 | Tri3 | ELEMENT_SHELL | ||
Trishell6 | TRISHELL6 | STRI65 | CTRI6 | 92 | Tri6 | |||
Trishell7 | TRISHELL7 | 92 | Tri7 | |||||
Hex | HEX | HEXA_8 | C3D8R/C3D8RT* | CHEXA | 115 | Hex8 | ELEMENT_SOLID | 4 |
Hex8 | HEX8 | HEXA_8 | C3D8R/C3D8RT* | CHEXA | 115 | Hex8 | ELEMENT_SOLID | 4 |
Hex9 | HEX9 | |||||||
Hex20 | HEX20 | C3D20R/C3D20RT* | CHEXA | 116 | Hex20 | |||
Hex27 | HEX27 | CHEXA | 116 | |||||
Tetra | TETRA | TETRA_4 | C3D4/C3D4T* | CTETRA | 111 | Tet4 | ELEMENT_SOLID | 2 |
Tetra4 | TETRA4 | TETRA_4 | C3D4/C3D4T* | CTETRA | 111 | Tet4 | ELEMENT_SOLID | 2 |
Tetra8 | TETRA8 | |||||||
Tetra10 | TETRA10 | C3D10/C3D10MT* | CTETRA | 118 | Tet10 | ELEMENT_SOLID | ||
Tetra14 | TETRA14 | |||||||
Wedge | WEDGE | C3D6/C3D6T* | CPENTA | 112 | ELEMENT_SOLID | 6 | ||
Hexshell | HEXSHELL | |||||||
Pyramid | PYRAMID | CPYRAM | 115† | |||||
Pyramid5 | PYRAMID5 | CPYRAM | 115† | |||||
Pyramid8 | PYRAMID8 | CPYRAM | 116† | |||||
Pyramid13 | PYRAMID13 | CPYRAM | 116† | |||||
Pyramid18 | PYRAMID18 | CPYRAM | 116† | |||||
*Thermal element
**Check to make sure the element's properties are correct after exporting
***Also exports lofting factor for shell elements (IDEAS)
† The element type will be HEX but the number of nodes will be the number of nodes in the pyramid.
Coreform Cubit Element Type | ExodusII | CGNS
Abaqus | Nastran | I-DEAS UNV | Patran | LS-DYNA | Fluent |
BC Set | *STEP | SUBCASE | 2428 | |||||
Displacement | SPC | 791 | 08 | |||||
Temperature | *BOUNDARY | TEMP | 791 | 10 | ||||
Force | *CLOAD | FORCE/MOMENT | 790 | 07 | ||||
Pressure | *DSLOAD | PLOAD4 | 790 | 6 | ||||
Convection | *SFILM *** | CONV | 790 | 17 | ||||
Heat Flux | *DSFLUX | QHBDY | 790 | 16 | ||||
Contact | *CONTACT | 2471 | ||||||
Materials |
MAT1_, MAT4_ |
1716 |
03 |
CFD Boundary Conditions | ||||||||
Interior | 2 | |||||||
Wall | 3 | |||||||
Inlet Pressure | 4 | |||||||
Inlet Massflow | 20 | |||||||
Inlet Velocity | 10 | |||||||
Outlet Pressure | 5 | |||||||
Far-field Pressure | 9 | |||||||
Symmetry | 7 |
*** Does not allow separate temperatures for top and bottom of shell elements. Values will be averaged.