Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Exporting ABAQUS

Mesh can be exported from Coreform Cubit in the ABAQUS format. The command to export to ABAQUS is:

Export Abaqus <’filename’> [Block <id_list>] [Sideset <id_list>] [Nodeset <id_list>] [BCSet <id_list>] [Group <id_list>] {[Instance Block <id_list> [Source_csys <id>] Target_csys <id_list>] | [Instance_per_block]} [partial] [Overwrite] [Everything]

The ABAQUS file written by Coreform Cubit will contain a single part, or mulitple parts. Multiple parts can be defined by using the instance option. Additionally, a single block/part can be instanced multiple times by giving multiple target coordinate systems. A bolt mesh used several times is an example where one might want multiple instances. To instance a block, a source coordinate system and a target coordinate system (where the mesh will be translated and rotated to) need to be defined. If no source coordinate system is given in the command, the default (global) coordinate system is used. The default (global) coordinate system can be referenced specifcally using '0' for the id. The instance keyword can be used as many times as needed. For example, block 1 can be instanced 3 times using 2 defined coordinate systems and the global coordinate system using:

create coordinate frame origin location 2 0 0 tag 'R'

create coordinate frame origin location -2 0 0 tag 'R'

Export Abaqus "myfile.inp" Instance Block 1 Target_csys 0 1 2

To enable automatic instancing, with the global coordinate system, based on defined blocks, the Instance_per_block option can be used.

Materials are supported with ABAQUS export as well. See documentation on materials for more information.

create material "Steel-200" property_group "CUBIT-ABAQUS"

modify material "Steel-200" scalar_properties "DENSITY" 7.8240

block 1 add material "Steel-200"

Additionally, Groups may be used to define additional node and element sets. For example:

group 'set-material-statistic-200' add tet in block 1 node in block 1

Note: By default, the Abaqus exporter writes 6 decimal places. The command "set Abaqus precision <n>" can be used to change the number of decimal places written.