Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Example 1. Sweeping multiple adjacent volumes

The following model has several interior volumes which share surfaces. This example may at first seem complex, but it actually requires very little decomposition. The key to this example is that each of the interior volumes is already sweepable, oriented along the same sweep axis, and none of the linking surfaces have additional topology introduced through imprint/merge. In fact, there is only one required webcut to make this model automatically sweepable.

Figure 1. Exterior view

Figure 2. Interior view

We examine several of the volumes below.
Source Surface(s) Target Surface(s) Sweep type
Many-to-one Sweepable
Imprinting and merging adjacent volumes creates additional partitions on the source surface, but the target surface does not contain imprints.
Many-to-one Sweepable
Multiple source surfaces due to interior void
One-to-One Sweepable
Source and target surfaces are single surfaces, and there are no imprints on the linking surfaces
Many-to-one Sweepable
Interior void causes multiple source surfaces.
Imprinting causes multiple source surfaces and interior void causes multiple target surfaces. This volume requires decomposition

Suggested webcut

Webcut Command
Coreform Cubit> webcut volume 5 with sheet extended from surface 70
Coreform Cubit> imprint all
Coreform Cubit> merge all
Coreform Cubit> volume all size 0.15
Coreform Cubit> volume all scheme auto

Final mesh

The final mesh is created at a size of 0.15 for all volumes.