Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
The volume mesh can now be generated. Again, the first step is to specify the type of meshing scheme to be used and the second step is to issue the order to mesh. In certain cases, the scheme can be determined by Coreform Cubit automatically. For sweepable volumes, the automatic scheme detection algorithm also identifies the source and target surfaces of the sweep automatically.
To instruct the code to automatically determine the meshing scheme and in this case the source and target surfaces, enter the command:
Coreform Cubit> volume 1 scheme auto
To view the results of auto scheme selection, certain data about the volume can be listed:
Coreform Cubit> list volume 1
The results of this command are shown below; note that the scheme, and in this case the source and target surfaces, are reported toward the top of the list output.
Output from Listing Volume 1
With the scheme set, the mesh command may be given:
Coreform Cubit> mesh volume 1
The final meshed body will appear in the display window, as shown below:
View of Volume Mesh