Coreform Cubit Python API: Method-Based API
Common Methods
- cubit.cmd(input_string)
Pass a command string into Coreform Cubit. Passing a command into Coreform Cubit using this method will result in an immediate execution of the command. The command is passed directly to Coreform Cubit without any validation or other checking.
cubit.cmd("brick x 10")- Parameters:
input_string – Pointer to a string containing a complete Coreform Cubit command
- cubit.get_id_string(entity_ids)
Parse a list of integers into a Cubit style id list. Return string will not include carriage returns or line break.
cubit.cmd('sphere radius .5') cubit.cmd('volume 1 copy move x 2 repeat 3') id_list = cubit. parse_cubit_list('volume', 'all') # id_list = [1,2,3,4] # returned id_string is '1 to 4' id_string = cubit.get_id_string(id_list)- Parameters:
entity_ids – tuple of integers return A string representing the id list without line breaks
- Type:
- Returns:
a Cubit stype string of ids
- Return type:
- cubit.init(argv, in_python=True)
to initialize Coreform Cubit in a stand-alone python session.Cubit may be imported into python without starting up the GUI. The path to a licensed version of Coreform Cubit must be specifed and Cubit must be initialized prior accessing the other methods in this API.
The arguments to the
method are the command line arguments for Coreform Cubit with the addition that the first argument is the program name “cubit”.The following python script shows an example of initializing and using Coreform Cubit. The key parts are ensuring that the Coreform Cubit libraries are in the path, importing the Coreform Cubit libraries, and calling
.import sys # add Coreform Cubit libraries to your path sys.path.append('/opt/Coreform Cubit/bin') import cubit # start cubit - this step is key. Note that: # cubit.init does not require any arguments. # If you do want to provide arguments, you must # provide 2 or more, where the first must # be "cubit", and user args start # as the 2nd argument. # If only one argument is used, it will be ignored. cubit.init(['cubit','-nojournal']) height = 1.2 blockHexRadius = 0.1732628 #hexagon cubit.cmd(f"create prism height {height} sides 6 radius {blockHexRadius}") #etc . . .- Parameters:
argv – List of command line start-up directives. A blank list such as [‘’] will suffice. If command parameters are specified, the first item in the list is ignored.
- Type:
- cubit.parse_cubit_list(type, entity_list_string)
Parse a Cubit style entity list into a list of integers Users are allowed to input many variations of entities and IDs for any given command. This routine parses the input and returns a regular list of valid IDs for the specified entity type. For example:
cubit.parse_cubit_list('surface', '1 to 12') cubit.parse_cubit_list('surface', 'with name "myname*"') cubit.parse_cubit_list('surface', 'in volume 5 to 23') cubit.parse_cubit_list('hex', 'in volume 1')- Parameters:
type – The specific entity type represented by the list of entities
entity_list_string – The string that contains the entity list
- Type:
- Type:
- Returns:
A list of valid ids for the given type within the specified parameters.
- Return type:
Get Methods
- cubit.get_arc_length(curve_id)
Get the arc length of a specified curve
- Parameters:
curve_id – ID of the curve
- Returns:
Arc length of the curve
- Return type:
- cubit.get_block_name(entity_id)
Get the block name for a given block id.
block_name = cubit.get_block_name(1)- Parameters:
block_id – Id of block in question
- Returns:
Block name associated with this block or “” if none
- Return type:
- cubit.get_curve_center(curve_id)
Get the center point of the arc
- Parameters:
curve_id – ID of the curve
- Returns:
x, y, z center point of the curve
- Return type:
- cubit.get_curve_length(curve_id)
Get the length of a specified curve
- Parameters:
curve_id – ID of the curve
- Returns:
Length of the curve
- Return type:
- cubit.get_curve_radius(curve_id)
Get the radius of a specified arc
- Parameters:
curve_id – ID of the curve
- Returns:
Radius of the curve
- Return type:
- cubit.get_distance_from_curve_start(x_coordinate, y_coordinate, z_coordinate, curve_id)
Get the distance from a point on a curve to the curve’s start point
- Parameters:
x – value of the point to measure
y – value of the point to measure
z – value of the point to measure
curve_id – ID of the curve
- Type:
- Type:
- Type:
- Returns:
Distance from the xyz to the curve start
- Return type:
- cubit.get_center_point(entity_type, entity_id)
Get the center point of a specified entity.
center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", 22)- Parameters:
entity_type – Specifies a string representing the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
The x, y, z, coordinates of the center point
- Return type:
- cubit.get_common_curve_id(surface_1_id, surface_2_id)
Given 2 surfaces, get the common curve id
- Parameters:
surface_1_id – The id of one of the surfaces
surface_2_id – The id of the other surface
- Returns:
The id of the curve common to the two surfaces
- Return type:
- cubit.get_common_vertex_id(curve_1_id, curve_2_id)
Given 2 curves, get the common vertex id
- Parameters:
curve_1_id – The id of one of the curves
curve_2_id – The id of the other curves
- Returns:
The id of the vertex common to the two curves, 0 if there is none
- Return type:
- cubit.get_entities(entity_type)
Get all entities of a specified type (including geometry, mesh, etc…).
entity_id_list = cubit.get_entities("volume")- Parameters:
entity_type – Specifies the type of the entity
- Returns:
A tuple of ids of the specified geometry type
- Return type:
- cubit.get_nearby_entities(entity_type)
Get the list of nearby entities of type curve, surface or volume given a list of the same entity type. For example, given one or more volumes, find all the volumes that are closer than a specified distance.
entity_id_list = cubit.get_nearby_entities("volume")- Parameters:
gtype – "curve", "surface" or "volume"
ent_ids – Find entities close to the entities in this list.
compare_ents – Entities of same type to check against. If empty, will check against all of them.
distance – Maximum distance betwen entities. Optional. Use -1 to compute default tolerance.
- Returns:
A list of entities of type gtype that are nearby to ent_ids from the compare_ents list.
- Return type:
- cubit.get_entity_color(entity_type, entity_id)
Get the color of a specified entity.
color = cubit.get_entity_color("curve", 33)- Parameters:
entity_type – Specifies the type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
The color of the entity (r, g, b, a). Note that (0,0,0,0) denotes the default color.
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 4
- cubit.get_entity_name(entity_type, entity_id, no_default=False)
Get the name of a specified entity Names returned are of two types: 1) user defined names which are actually stored in Coreform Cubit when the name is defined, and 2) ‘default’ names supplied by Coreform Cubit at run-time which are not stored in Cubit. The second variety of name cannot be used to query Coreform Cubit.
name = cubit.get_entity_name("vertex", 22)- Parameters:
entity_type – Specifies the type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
no_default – True to return an empty string if no name is set
- Returns:
The name of the entity
- Return type:
- cubit.get_error_count()
Get the number of errors in the current Coreform Cubit session.
- Returns:
The number of errors in the Coreform Cubit session.
- Return type:
- cubit.get_merge_tolerance()
Get the current merge tolerance value
- Returns:
The value of the current merge tolerance
- Return type:
- cubit.get_mesh_intervals(geometry_type, entity_id: int) int
Get the interval count for a specified entity.
intervals = cubit.get_mesh_intervals("surface", 12)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
The entity’s interval count
- Return type:
- cubit.get_mesh_scheme(geometry_type, entity_id)
Get the mesh scheme for the specified entity.
scheme = cubit.get_mesh_scheme("surface", 12)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
The entity’s meshing scheme
- Return type:
- cubit.get_mesh_size(geometry_type, entity_id)
Get the mesh size for a specified entity.
mesh_size = cubit.get_mesh_size("volume",2)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
The entity’s mesh size
- Return type:
- cubit.get_surface_area(surface_id)
Get the area of a surface
- Parameters:
surface_id – ID of the surface
- Returns:
Area of the surface
- Return type:
- cubit.get_surface_centroid(surface_id)
Get the surface centroid for a specified surface
- Parameters:
surface_id – ID of the surface
- Returns:
surface centroid
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 3
- cubit.get_surface_normal(surface_id)
Get the surface normal for a specified surface
- Parameters:
surface_id – ID of the surface
- Returns:
surface normal at the center
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 3
- cubit.get_surface_normal_at_coord(surface_id, arg2)
Get the surface normal for a specified surface at a location
- Parameters:
surface_id – ID of the surface :param coord: array of x,y,z location on surface
- Returns:
surface normal at coord
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 3
- cubit.get_total_volume(volume_list)
Get the total volume for a list of volume ids
- Parameters:
volume_list – List of volume ids
- Returns:
The total volume of all volumes indicated in the id list
- Return type:
- cubit.get_version()
Get the Coreform Cubit version.
- Returns:
A string containing the current version of Coreform Cubit.
- Return type:
- cubit.get_volume_area(volume_id)
Get the area of a volume
- Parameters:
volume_id – ID of the volume
- Type:
- Returns:
Area of the volume
- Return type:
- cubit.get_volume_volume(vol_id)
Get the volume of a volume
- Parameters:
volume_id – ID of the volume
- Type:
- Returns:
- Return type:
Query State Methods
- cubit.is_merged(geometry_type, entity_id)
Determines whether a specified entity is merged.
state = cubit.is_merged("surface",137)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Return type:
- cubit.is_meshed(geometry_type, entity_id)
Determines whether a specified entity is meshed.
state = cubit.is_meshed("surface",137)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- cubit.is_periodic(geometry_type, entity_id)
Query whether a specified surface or curve is periodic.
result = cubit.is_periodic("surface",22)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
True is entity is periodic, otherwise false
- Return type:
- cubit.is_point_contained(geometry_type, entity_id, xyz_point)
Determine if given point is inside, outside, on or unknown the given entity. note that this is typically used for volumes or sheet bodies
- Parameters:
geom_type – string defining geometry type (volume or body)
id – ID of the geometric entity
xyz_point – triplet defining the point x,y,z coordinates
- Type:
- Type:
- Type:
tuple[float], length 3
- Returns:
-1 failure, 0 outside, 1, inside, 2 on
- Return type:
- cubit.is_surface_meshable(surface_id)
Check if surface is meshable with current scheme.
- Returns:
A boolean indicating whether surface is meshable with current scheme.
- Return type:
- cubit.is_surface_planar(surface_id)
Query if the given surface is planar.
- Parameters:
surface_id – Specifies the id of the surface
- cubit.is_volume_meshable(volume_id)
Check if volume is meshable with current scheme.
- Returns:
A boolean indicating whether volume is meshable with current scheme
- Return type:
- cubit.is_sheet_body(volume_id)
Query whether a specified volume is a sheet body
- Parameters:
volume_id – Id of the volume
- Returns:
True if volume is a sheet body, otherwise false
- Return type:
- cubit.measure_between_entities(entity_type1, entity_id1, entity_type2, entity_id2)
Returns distance between two geometry entities and their closest points.
dist_info = cubit.measure_between_entities(“curve”, 10, “surface”, 12) dist = dist_info[0] curv_point = [dist_info[1], dist_info[2], dist_info[3]] surf_point = [dist_info[4], dist_info[5], dist_info[6]]- Parameters:
entity_type1 – type of first entity
entity_id1 – id of first entity
entity_type2 – type of second entity
entity_id2 – id of second entity
- Type:
str, one of “vertex”, “curve”, “surface”, “volume”, “node”, “edge”, “tri”, “face”, “tet”, “hex”, “wedge”, “pyramid”
- Returns:
The distance between two entities
- Return type:
Get ID Methods
- cubit.get_id_from_name(name)
Get id for a named entity This routine returns an integer id for the entity whose name is passed in.
entity_id = cubit.get_id_from_name("member_2")- Parameters:
name – Name of the entity to examine return Integer representing the entity
- Returns:
The id associated with the given name.
- Return type:
- cubit.get_last_id(entity_type)
Get the id of the last created entity of the given type.
last_id = cubit.get_last_id(“surface”)- Parameters:
entity_type – Type of the entity being queried
- Type:
- Returns:
The id of last created entity
- Return type:
- cubit.get_next_block_id()
Get a next available block id
- Returns:
Next available block id
- Return type:
- cubit.get_next_group_id()
Get the next available group id from Coreform Cubit
- Returns:
next group id
- Return type:
- cubit.get_next_nodeset_id()
Get a next available nodeset id
- Returns:
Next available nodeset id
- Return type:
- cubit.get_next_sideset_id()
Get a next available sideset id
- Returns:
Next available sideset id
- Return type:
Bounding Box Methods
- cubit.get_bounding_box(geometry_type, entity_id)
Get the bounding box for a specified entity.
vector_list = cubit.get_bounding_box("surface", 22)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_id – Specifies the id of the entity
- Returns:
A tuple of coordinates describing the entity’s bounding box. Ten (10) values will be:
[0] = minimum x
[1] = maximum x
[2] = box x range
[3] = minimum y
[4] = maximum y
[5] = box y range
[6] = minimum z
[7] = maximum z
[8] = box z range
[9] = box diagonal length
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 10
- cubit.get_total_bounding_box(geometry_type, entity_list)
Get the bounding box for a list of entities.
vector_list = cubit.get_total_bounding_box("surface", entity_list)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_list – List of ids associated with geom_type
- Returns:
An array of coordinates for the entity’s bounding box.
[0] = minimum x
[1] = maximum x
[2] = box x range
[3] = minimum y
[4] = maximum y
[5] = box y range
[6] = minimum z
[7] = maximum z
[8] = box z range
[9] = box diagonal length
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 10
- cubit.get_tight_bounding_box(geometry_type, entity_list)
Get the tight bounding box for a list of entities.
vector_list = cubit.get_tight_bounding_box("surface", entity_list)- Parameters:
geom_type – Specifies the geometry type of the entity
entity_list – List of ids associated with geom_type
- Returns:
A tuple of center point coordinates and axis definitions.
[0] = center x
[1] = center y
[2] = center z
[3] = normalized u component 0
[4] = normalized u component 1
[5] = normalized u component 2
[6] = normalized v component 0
[7] = normalized v component 1
[8] = normalized v component 2
[9] = normalized w component 0
[10] = normalized w component 1
[11] = normalized w component 2
[12] = u length
[13] = v length
[14] = z length
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 15
Mesh Query Methods
- cubit.get_closest_node(x_coordinate, y_coordinate, z_coordinate)
Get the node closest to the given coordinates
- Parameters:
x – coordinate
y – coordinate
z – coordinate
- Type:
- Type:
- Type:
- Returns:
id of closest node, 0 if none found
- Return type:
- cubit.get_connectivity(entity_type, entity_id)
Get the list of node ids contained within a mesh entity.
node_id_list = cubit.get_connectivity("hex", 221)- Parameters:
entity_type – The mesh element type
entity_id – The mesh element id
- Returns:
Tuple of node ids
- Return type:
- cubit.get_expanded_connectivity(entity_type, entity_id)
Get the list of node ids contained within a mesh entity, including interior nodes.
node_id_list = cubit.get__expanded_connectivity("hex", 221)- Parameters:
entity_type – The mesh element type
entity_id – The mesh element id
- Returns:
Tuple of all node ids associated with the element, including interior (high-order) nodes
- Return type:
- cubit.get_element_type(element_id)
Return the type of a given element
- Parameters:
element_id – The element id (i.e. the global element export id)
- Returns:
The type
- Return type:
- cubit.get_geometry_owner(entity_type, entity_id)
Get the geometric owner of this mesh element.
geom_owner = cubit.get_geometry_owner("hex", 221)- Parameters:
entity_type – The mesh element type
entity_id – The mesh element id
- Returns:
Name of owner
- Return type:
- cubit.get_nodal_coordinates(node_id)
Get the nodal coordinates for a given node id.
- Parameters:
node_id – The node id
- Returns:
A tuple containing the x, y, and z coordinates
- Return type:
tuple[float], length 3