Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Importing STEP Files

The ACIS STEP translator provides bi-directional functionality for data translation between ACIS and the file format standard STEP AP203.

STEP AP203 is an international standard which defines a neutral file format for representation of configuration control design data for a product.

The command used to import a STEP file are:

Import Step '<step_filename>' [No_bodies][No_surfaces] [No_curves] [No_vertices] [HEAL|Noheal] [Logfile ['filename'] [Display]] [Show_Each] [Group {'<name>'|<id>}] [Sort] [XML '<xml_filename>']

Import Options

Import Settings

By default, names on bodies in STEP files are not read in. To change this, the following command is available:

[set] Read Step Body Names [on|OFF]

Exporting a STEP file from Pro/Engineer

To export a STEP file from Pro/ENGINEER, from the Export STEP Dialog, Press Options.

In the file add the following:


Also be sure your export option is set to Solids. If the geometry has problems in Coreform Cubit, you may need to increase the geometry accuracy in Pro/ENGINEER.

See also Exporting STEP Files.