Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Importing SGM Files

Coreform Cubit contains experimental support for importing SGM and STEP files using the Scalable Geometric Modeler (SGM) to represent the geometry.

The commands to import SGM files are:

Import SGM '<filename>' [restore_ids] [read_colors]

Import Options

The Import SGM command can import either .sgm files or .step files. If given a .sgm file, the restore_ids option may be used to restore ids as they were in a previous SGM session. Restoration of IDs is not supported if a model was previously imported into SGM. The read_colors option is available if one wants to read colors found in the file. If read_colors is not given, colors will be automatically assigned by Coreform Cubit based on the ID of the volumes.

Other Coreform Cubit capabilities are limited when it comes to working with models imported into SGM. Visualization, list commands, and machine learning classification will work, but meshing, export and other operations are not yet supported.