Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation


Execution Command Syntax

To run Coreform Cubit from the command line:

cubit [options and args] [journalFile(s)]

claro [options and args] [journalFile(s)|python historyFile(s)]

Cubit is the command line version of Coreform Cubit and Claro is the GUI version of Cubit.

Command options for the command line are:

-help (Print this summary)
-Include <$val> (Specify a journal file)
-workingdir <$val> (Directory to use as working directory)
-input $val (Playback commands in file $val)
-solidmodel <$val> (Read .sat, .cub or .exo from file $val)
-nogeom (Read .exo from -solidmodel $val without creating geometry)
-lite (Read .exo from -solidmodel $val in lite mode)
-fastq <$val> (Read FASTQ file $val)
-initfile <$val> (Read $val as initialization file instead
of $HOME/.cubit)
-batch (Batch Mode - No Interactive Command Input)
-nographics (Do not display graphics windows)
-nogui (Do not display graphical user interface)
-noinitfile (Do not read .cubit file)
-noecho (Do not echo commands to console)
-nojournal (Do not write journal file)
-nodeletions (Do not allow file deletions)
-journalfile <$val> (Name of journal file, will be overwritten)
-restore [$val] (Name of restore file (default =
-maxjournal [$val] (Maximum number of journal files to write)
-warning [$val] (Warning Messages On/Off)
-information [$val] (Informational Messages On/Off)
-debug <$val> (Set specified flags on, e.g. 1,3,7-9
enables 1,3,7,8,9))
-display <$val> (Specify display to be used for
graphics window)
-driver <$val> (Specify the type of driver to be used for
graphics display)
-nooverwritecheck (Do not perform file export overwrite check)
-nobanner (Suppress printing of startup information)
-version (Prints version information)
-log <$val> (Copy all output to specified file)
-python_version <version> (The major version of python to use: 2 or 3
APREPRO variable pair (Quoted name value pair)

Each of these is optional. If specified, the quantities in square brackets, [$val], are optional and the quantities in angle brackets, <$val>, are required.

Options are summarized in more detail below:


Print a short usage summary of the command syntax to the terminal and exit.


Set the working directory to be used at startup. Journal files will be written to this directory.

-initfile <$val>

Use the file specified by <$val> as the initialization file instead of the default set of initialization files. See Initialization Files


Do not read any initialization file. This overrides the default behavior described in Initialization Files

-solidmodel <$val>

Read the ACIS solid model geometry or .cub file information from the file specified by <$val> prior to prompting for interactive input.


Specify that there will be no interactive input in this execution of Coreform Cubit. Coreform Cubit will terminate after reading the initialization file, the geometry file, and the input_file_list.


Run Coreform Cubit without graphics. This is generally used with the -batch option or when running Coreform Cubit over a line terminal.


Run Coreform Cubit without the graphical user interface.


Sets the location where the Coreform Cubit graphics system will be displayed, analogous to the -display environment variable for the X Windows system. Unix only.

-driver <type>

Sets the <type> of graphics display driver to be used. Available drivers depend on platform, hardware, and system installation. Typical drivers include X11 and OpenGL.


Do not create a journal file for this execution of Coreform Cubit. This option performs the same function as the Journal Off command. The default behavior is to create a new journal file for every execution of Coreform Cubit.

-journalfile <file>

Write the journal entries to <file>. The file will be overwritten if it already exists.

-maxjournal <$val>

Only create a maximum of <$val> default journal files. Default journal files are of the form cubit#.jou where # is a number in the range 01 to 999.


Turn off the ability to delete files with the delete file '<filename>' command.


Turn off the file overwrite check flag. Files that are written may then overwrite (erase) old files with the same name with no warning. This is typically useful when re-running journal files, in order to overwrite existing output files. See the set File Overwrite Check [ON|off] command.


Restore the specified filename (or "cubit_geom") mesh and ACIS files, e.g. and


Do not echo commands to the console. This option performs the same function as the Echo Off command. The default behavior is to echo commands to the console.

-debug <$val>

Set to "on" the debug message flags indicated by <$val>, where <$val> is a comma-separated list of integers or ranges of integers, e.g. 1,3,8-10.

-information {on|off}

Turn {on|off} the printing of information messages from Coreform Cubit to the console.

-warning {on|off}

Turn {on|off} the printing of warning messages from Coreform Cubit to the console.

-Include <path>

Allows the user to specify a journal file from the command line.

-fastq <file>

Read the mesh and geometry definition data in the FASTQ file <file> and interpret the data as FASTQ commands. See T. D. Blacker, FASTQ Users Manual Version 1.2, SAND88-1326, Sandia National Laboratories, (1988). for a description of the FASTQ file format.


Input files to be read and executed by Coreform Cubit. Files are processed in the order listed, and afterwards interactive command input can be entered (unless the -batch option is used.)

-log <file>

Copies all output to the specified file.

-python_version <version>

The major version of python to use: 2 or 3.


APREPRO variable-value pairs to be used in the Coreform Cubit session. Values can be either doubles or character type (character values must be surrounded by double quotes.). Command options can also be specified using the CUBIT_OPT environment variable. (See Environment Variables .)

Passing Variables into a Coreform Cubit Session

To pass an aprepro variable into a Coreform Cubit Session, start Coreform Cubit with the variable defined in quotes i.e. Coreform Cubit "some_var=2.3"