Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Controlling Playback of Journal Files

The following commands control the playback of Journal Files:



Sleep <duration_in_seconds>

Resume [<n>]


Next [<n>]

The playback of a journal file can be interrupted in three ways. Pressing ctrl-c while the journal file is playing will halt playback of the journal file. (This only works in the command line version of Coreform Cubit. See Interrupting Running Tasks for more information ). Alternately, if the stop or pause commands are encountered in the journal file and Coreform Cubit is reading commands from a terminal (as opposed to a redirected file), playback of the journal file will halt after that command.

The sleep command pauses execution for the specified number of seconds. It can be used to build a delay into journal files during presentations.

In the command line version of Coreform Cubit you can resume playback of a journal file with the resume command. If playback was interrupted because ctrl-c was pressed, it will resume at the next command after the one that was interrupted. If playback stopped because of a stop or pause command in the journal file, it will resume at the next line after the stop or pause command. If the file was paused because of a sleep command in the file, it will resume automatically after the specified duration.

If journal files that are playing back contain playback commands themselves, there may be multiple current journal files. The where lists all current journal files and where the journal files have paused. Each line contains the stack position (a number), the filename and the current line in the file. Unless Coreform Cubit is running in batch mode, the first line is always <stdin>. This just means that Coreform Cubit will return to the command prompt after the top-most journal file has completed.

The remaining portion of any active journal file may be skipped by specifying the stack position (first number on each line of the output from the where command) of the file where you want to resume. Any remaining commands in active journal files with lower stack positions will be skipped.

The next command steps through interrupted journal files line-by-line. The argument to the next command is the number of lines to read before halting playback again. If no number is specified, the command will advance one line.

Journal playback can also be set to stop automatically when it encounters an error during playback. The command syntax is:

Set Stop Error {On|OFF}

Setting the stop error to "on" will cause the file to halt for each error. The setting is turned off by default.