Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
The following commands list information about the geometry of the model.
List Names [Group|Body|Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex|All]
List {Group|Body|Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex} <range> [Ids]
List {geom_list} [Geometry|Mesh [Detail]]
List {Group|Body|Volume|Surface|Curve|Vertex} <range> {X|Y|Z}
The first command lists the names in use, and the entity type and id corresponding to each name. Specifying all lists names for all types; other options list names for a specific entity type. The names for an individual entity can be obtained by listing just that entity. Sample output from the list names surface command is shown below. This output shows that, for example, Surface 2 has the name ` BackSurface '.
______Name______ __Type__ Id _Propagated_
BackSurface Surface 2 No
BottomSurface Surface 3 No
FrontSurface Surface 1 No
LeftSurface Surface 4 No
RightSurface Surface 5 No
TopSurface Surface 6 No
List Names Example
The second command provides information on the number of entities in the model and their identification numbers. If a range is given then detailed information is given on each entity in that range, unless the ids option is also given. If the ids option is used, just a list of ids is printed. This list can be very useful for large models in which several geometry decomposition operations have performed. Sample output from the list surface command is shown below.
Coreform Cubit> list surface ids
The 6 surface ids are 1 to 6.
Coreform Cubit> list surf ids
The 108 surface ids are 192 to 266, 268 to 271, 273 to 301.
List Surface [range] Ids' Examples
The <range> can be very general using the general entity parsing syntax. Using a <range> gives a brief synopsis of the local connectivity of the model, e.g. one can list the ids of the surfaces containing vertex 2; as shown in the listing below.. An intermediately detailed synopsis can be obtained by placing the range of entities in a group, then listing the group.
Coreform Cubit> list surface in vertex 2 ids
The 3 entity ids are 1, 5, 6.
Coreform Cubit> group "v2_surfs" equals surface in vertex 2
Coreform Cubit> list v2_surfs Group Entity 'v2_surfs' (Id = 3)
It owns/encloses 3 entities: 3 surfaces.
Owned Entities: Mesh Scheme Interval: Edge
_____Name____ Type______Id +is meshed Count Size
FrontSurface Surface 1 map+ 1 H 0.1
TopSurface Surface 6 map+ 1 H 0.1
RightSurface Surface 5 map+ 1 H 0.1
Using 'List' for Querying Connectivity.
The third command provides detailed information for each of the specific entities. This information includes the entity's name and id, its meshing scheme and how that scheme was selected, whether it is meshed and other meshing parameters such as smooth scheme, interval size and count. The entity's connectivity is summarized by a table of the entity's subentities and a list of the entity's superentities. Also, the nodesets, sidesets, blocks, and groups containing the entity are listed.
Specifying geometry will additionally list the extent of the entity's geometric bounding box, the geometric size of the entity, and depending on entity type, other information such as surface normal. See also the list {entities} x command below. If multiple volumes, surfaces, or curves are selected, it will list the total volume, area, or length of all entities, and the total geometric bounding box. If multiple volumes are selected, the centroid listed will be the composite centroid of the all of the volumes.
Specifying mesh will additionally list the number of mesh entities of each type interior to the entity and on bounding subentities. Mesh detail will list the ids of the mesh entities as well, following the format of the list ids command above.
The fourth command lists the entities sorted by either the x, y, or z coordinate of their geometric center. For example, in a large, basically cylindrical model centered around z-axis, it is useful to list the surfaces of a volume sorted by z to identify the source and target sweeping surfaces.