Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation
The user may list information about the current Coreform Cubit environment such as message output settings, memory usage, and graphics settings.
There are several major categories of Coreform Cubit messages.
By default, Info, Warning, Error, and Echo messages are printed, and Debug messages are not printed. Information, Warning, Debug, and Echo message printing can be turned on or off (or toggled) with a set command; error messages are always printed. Debugging output can also be redirected to a file. Current message printing settings can be listed.
List {Echo|Info|Errors|Warning|Debug}
Set Echo [On|Off]
Set {Info|Warning} [On|Off] [logging]
[Set] Debug <index> [On|Off]
[Set] Debug <index> File <'filename'>
[Set] Debug <index> Terminal
Message flags can also be set using command line options:
-warning {on|off}
-information {on|off}
Debug flags can be enabled from the command line with
-debug <setting>
where <setting> is a comma-separated list of integers or ranges of integers denoting which flags to turn on. E.g., to set debug flags 1, 3, and 8 to 10 on, the syntax is -debug 1,3,8-10.
Output from Coreform Cubit can be redirected to a log file, and the current state of logging can be listed.
[Set] Logging {Off|On File <'filename'> [Resume]}
List Logging
If logging is enabled, by default any output to the console or command window will also go into the logging file. The resume option will append to the logfile, if it exists, instead of emptying the file. If the logfile doesn't already exist, it will be created.
Output of information and warning messages to the logging file can be controlled independent of console output settings by adding the logging option to the set {info|warning} [on|off] logging command.
Set Default Block {ON|off|Volume|Surface|Curve]}
List Default Block
The set Default Block command will toggle whether or not default blocks are written during the export operation if no other blocks have been specified. The List Default Block command lists the geometric entity types for which blocks will automatically be generated at export.
List Journal
The List Journal command lists which types of Coreform Cubit commands will be journaled and the file to which the journaled commands are being written.
List Title
Title "<title_string>"
The List Title command will list the title to be written to an Exodus file on export. To assign a title to an Exodus file, use the Title command.
List Settings
The List Settings command lists the value of all the message flags, journal file and echo settings, as well as additional information. The first section lists a short description of each debug flag and its current setting. Other message settings are listed next, followed by some flags affecting algorithm behavior.
Sample output
Coreform Cubit> list settings Debug Flag Settings (flag number, setting, output to, description): 1 OFF terminal Debug Graphics toggle for some debug options. 2 OFF terminal Whisker weaving information 3 OFF terminal Timing information for 3D Meshing routines. 4 OFF terminal Graphics Debugging (DrawingTool) 5 OFF terminal FastQ debugging 6 OFF terminal Submapping graphics debugging 7 OFF terminal Knife progress whisker weaving information 8 OFF terminal Mapping Face debug / Linear Programming debug 9 OFF terminal Paver Debugging . . . echo = On info = On journal = On journal graphics = Off journal names = On journal aprepro = On journal file = 'Coreform Cubit11.jou' warning = On logging = Off recording = Off keep invalid mesh = Off default names = Off default block = Volumes catch interrupt = On name replacement character = '_', suffix character = '@' Matching Intervals is fast, TRUE; multiple curves will be fixed per iteration. Note in rare cases 'slow', FALSE, may produce better meshes. Match Intervals rounding is FALSE; intervals will be rounded towards the user-specified intervals.
List View
List view prints the current graphics view and mode parameters; See Graphics Window .
Users are encouraged to use Unix commands such as `top' to check total Coreform Cubit memory use. Developers may check internal memory usage with the following command:
List Memory [`<object type>']
Without an object type, the command prints memory use for all types of objects.