Coreform Cubit 2025.1 User Documentation

Model Tree

The model tree provides a complete graphical hierarchical representation of the parent child relationship of all geometric entities. The tree is populated as the model is constructed by Coreform Cubit. In addition to showing a hierarchy of geometric entities, the tree also shows  active Groups, Boundary Layers, and active Boundary Condition entities.

The tree works directly with the graphics window and picking. Selecting an entity in the tree will select the same entity in the graphics window. Selecting an entity in the graphics window will highlight the tree entry if that entry is currently visible. If an entity's visibility is turned off, the icon next to that entity in the geometry tree will disappear.

If the tree entry is not visible the user may press the Find button located at the bottom of the tree. The first occurrence of the selected entity will be shown on the tree.

Virtual entities have a small (v) after the name to indicate that they are virtual entities.

Figure 1. Geometry Tree Window

Drag and Drop

The Tree View window supports drag and drop of geometric entities into existing boundary condition sets. To create boundary conditions, see the Materials and Properties menu on the main control panel, or right-click on one of the boundary condition labels and select the "Create New" option from the context menu. Geometric entities or groups can be added to blocks, nodesets, or sidesets by dragging and dropping inside the tree view window.

Picked Group

The current selections in the graphics window can be added to a "picked group" by selecting the "Add to Picked Group" from the Right click menu. Selections can also be added to the picked group by dragging and dropping onto the group from the geometry tree window. The picked group can be substituted into any commands that use groups. To remove an item from the picked group, use the "Remove from Group" option in the right click menu in the geometry tree or from the graphics window.

Figure 2. Picked Group

Right-Click Menu Functions

The geometry tree's context menu is sensitive to the type of item and the number of items selected. Functions that apply to the item type and number of selected items are available from the context menu. These include the following: